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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Peckish Cafe, Alexandria

My bf work in DHL near this cafe and he often had lunch here, he told me that the burger is yummy and the owner is Indo too :) SO I was curious as to what made the burger special that my bf always are here for lunch..

So one Saturday morning, me and bf went here and I tried the burger with some chips and a flat white :P
For me the burger is ok. Good but not great.. The bun was soft and the chicken was well-seasoned. The thing that I like form this cafe is they have the Belibis chilli sauce that we can;t eat without for our chips!

Flat White

Chips $4

Sweet Chilli Chicken Burger 8.50
The INterior of Peckish Cafe

Peckish Cafe on Urbanspoon

Friday, April 19, 2013

Chiang Dao Thai, Maroubra

Every Sunday after church, with starving stomach, we always passed by this Thai Restaurant that says they serve healthy (Low fat) Thai food.. I was always curious about that place but it seems always empty . So it doesn't look worth visiting.. One day , I came across a voucher from groupon from this place! Consisting of mixed entree, 2 mains and dessert plus drinks! So I thought why not, give it a go :)

So here I am, using the voucher, arrived and seated. The place was quite full, im guessing because of the Groupon voucher ;P

For our entree, we have the Mixed Entree which consists of satay chicken, har gow, Money bags and curry puffs. The satay chicken is yummy! Nicely marinated chicken. The rest are just average :)

It was quite a surprise when the waiter told me that we can order anything from the main course! Of course, I order anything with Pork Belly in it! so I ordered Stir fried pork belly with chilli jam sauce! A good portion for a voucher dining in my opinion and it taste so deliciouss... The pork belly is juicy~!

And for the second main, I chose the Red Duck Curry.. The most expensive curry on the menu ;P The curry is milkd and not too milky and creamy which we like,, And they also put a lot of duck meat in there which is gooD!

And I got the Whole coconut for my drinks! Too bad they don't have much flesh in it :( Cause I loveee coconut flesh!

For dessert, we have the sticky rice pudding with Durian. Not much durian flesh though, its just a sweet dessert that we ended up leaving as we are so full! ^^

Overall, It was a good experience to try out this restaurant, the service was good and attentive even though it was crowded.. I would love to come back to try out other dishes!

Chiang dao Thai on Urbanspoon

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Soban Korean, Chatswood

Another weekend out in Chatswood. This time is to accompany Bebski playing Basketball with his friends in the area.. We were starving at the end of the game and was looking around Westfield what to have. came across Soban Korean on the top Level of Westfield and was lured by the fake food displayed at the front shop... So we decided to try it out..

Banchan come first and my attention was straight away to the moist and soft potato mash salad ~~ The pink liquid with cabbge in it is my first time seeing that in K-restaurant. I guess we enter one of the "high-class" version of K-restaurant. As the patrons around us are mostly Japanese and Korean family ;P Not students. hihi.. *Assumption Assumptions*
Our second dish is Korean mandu. Filled with pork and vermicilli. It was yummy and not too oily.. Love the salad in the middle too :)
Pork Mandu
We decided not to get steam rice but instead this kimchi fried rice with seafood cream caught our attention.. A generous portion of the seafood.. For me it was okay but as we dug deeper, the combination of the cream and kimchi seems unacceptable to our mouth anymore ;PEspecially after the third dish came out!
Kimchi Fried rice with Seafood cream Sauce
This was the dish of the night.. the dish that makes me drool and the dish to come back for! The pork belly muchim.. The pork belly is well grilled and seasoned served with green salad drizzled with Korean fusion vinaigrette which suprisingly was to our liking (As vinaigrette was not our preference in any meal).. I also love the crispy onions on top! This dish are well combined!
Pork Belly Muchim
Overall experience was great! Delicious foods, and attentive staffs!
Will definitely come back to try more dishes!!

Soban Korean Cuisine on Urbanspoon

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beschico, Epping

The hunt for Korean Fried Chicken starts when I heard some of my friends said that there are alot of Korean restaurant now in sydney that offers yummier chicken than Arisun's.. So I was curious and started looking up some new "hot spot" for korean fried chicken.. 

Apparently Beschico came up on my search and one saturday, we were thinking of getting the Multi Day Pass ticket to travel around sydney suburbs for culinary.. Epping was one of the suburb in our journey list ^^

When we first enter, it was pretty empty. We were there around 4PM, so its not really dinner time yet too late for lunch. The atmosphere inside the cafe is laid back, with some table with comfy sofas. Korean MV was playing in the TV. We were seated in a Diner-like Table (we need the proper table to feast ;P)

The popcorn was complimentary and you could ask for more if you like :) My brother persuade us to order Soju.. as we don't usually drink alcohol. But today was exception, as we are not driving, so why not ^^

Even though most Koreans eat Chicken by drinking beer , we make Soju Bombs instead.. The idea is pouring soju into the shot glass and filling a beer glass half full and just drop the shot bottle into it and voila - there goes your BOMBS :)

                                            Fries with dipping sauces to accompany our chicken :)

                                                           Half-half chicken (deep fried & Gochujang Sauce)

Verdicttt.... our favourite is the crispy fried ones over the gochujang ones.. It is perfectly fried with crunchy crust and moist meat inside.. Half is definitely not enough for the 4 of us.. But oh well, it was a day full of eating anyway so we're okay with that portion :) One more restaurant ticked from my wishlist ^^

Beschico on Urbanspoon