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Friday, June 27, 2014

Two Good Eggs (II), Surry Hills

Its Friday! The day that all of us have been waiting for :) It will also marked my last Friday working as application technologist. sadd T.T Oh well, new journey ahead, needs to held my head up high!

So to celebrate this day, I will present you my second visit to Two Good Eggs in Surry Hills! The main reason that I came to this place was because I wanted to try their Special Pork Belly dish which unfortunately I couldn't get hold off in my first visit. So I followed their facebook page in hoping that the pork belly special come up again and it did!

Went back to Two Good Eggs last Sunday and I arrived at 12PM, the place was swarming with people but the good thing was we got the last table available, yay for us! Without further ado, I asked for their Roast Pork Belly Special!

The dish came with 3 thick slices of roasted salty crispy pork belly, topped with perfectly poached eggs and caramelized onion, served with sourdough breads and drizzled with the vinaigrette around the plate. It's like all my favourite foods in one dish! well except the caramelized onion. I ate it, but as usual, onion can never be my friend ;p                                I can only say Pork + Eggs = Porfeggs! ;p

Roast Pork Belly $18.90
For the drink this time I got their Punjabi Chai latte. It is not like any other chai latte, they serve it in a pot full of herbs which provides a depth of herby, cinnamony flavour to the drink! I love it!! And u can yields more than 2 cups for the price!

Chai Latte $4.50
I really wish I can order their other special on the day which is the chicken and CHORIZO risotto! But unfortunately, Bebski is not a fan of risotto and instead he went for the Reuben sandwich in hoping that it will be as good as Reuben Hills's
The sandwich consists of Wagyu corned beef, sauerkraut, pickles, swiss cheese and mustard with an option to add the Hungarian Potato Salad for $4 extra, but I can safely say that U have to pay that $4 cause its worth every single cents! The salad is creamy and has a nice overall flavour, I always loooove potato salad!

The sandwich however, is not up to my expectation. The sauerkraut and the pickles are too overpowering with the combination of swiss cheese, its just salty and sourness in one sandwich that the corned beef is not the star of the sandwich anymore. Bebski also ordered a side of the smoked salmon for $4.50 which is a bargain considering the amount that we got!

Reuben sandwich $18.90
Good Job Two Good Eggs, you impressed me again ~~ I was full from the lunch that I didn't have my dinner that day.. The portion is generous and the service is very well.
The Risotto special will be my next reason to come back.. Yea, u heard me Bebski, we will be back ^^

Two Good Eggs

Two Good Eggs on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cafe Jack's, Kensington

So I found this Voucher deal -again-, yes, I'm one of those cheap-eat-finder, guilty as charged ;p The voucher deal is from Cafe Jack's in Kensington. I always drove passed this place several times but the place doesn't look that much appealing to me until recently my sister told me that they actually moved to the building across it with new and modern settings.

The deal includes 1 meal and also 1 coffee/soft drinks.. After purchasing the voucher, I immediately called the place to get a booking for Saturday lunch. The staff didn't even ask what time I would like to come so I assumed the place won't be that crowded.
So I arrived last Saturday at 12PM just before my trial in South Dowling Sandwich to grab a quick bite.

As I walked in, I can see there were a lot of patrons eating their breakfast on this huge plate! What they said about this place is right, they served a really really generous portion of foods! I'm salivating, couldn't wait to get seated and order!

We were given this menu for the deal and Unfortunately there was no such big breakfast or egg's benedict on it. So we just have to stick with that menu :)
I ordered the Deep fried Calamari which was served on a bed of chips and Greek Salad. usually I'm not a fan of Greek Salad but because I was so starving that afternoon that I gobbled it down anyway ;p The calamari is again generous in portion, well crumbed and fried.

Bebski got the 'Kensington Road' Melt which consist of Roast Beef, Roast Capsicum, Sundried Tomatoes and Cheese topped on a large thick toast. Also served with chips :) The toast is crunchy on the edge and soft and chewy in the middle. The roast beef has a nice beef flavour and complemented very well by the cheese and the roasted aroma from the veggies.

For the drink, as usual, I got Mocha and Bebski got his Flat white with hazelnut Syrup. Both of the coffee were milky and did not have enough roasted coffee aroma that we're looking for. But oh well, it was still acceptable :)

Flat White

Overall, we were impressed by the food that they serve, clean and straight forward with huge portion. Not the best coffee but hey, you can always get smoothie or just water! :)
Will definitely be back for the humongous breakfast menu!!

Cafe Jack's on Urbanspoon

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stix Dessert, Surry Hills

Last Saturday I was trialing as a sandwich hand in South Dowling Sandwich and it didn't go well. Can't explain in details here but it was a semi-terrying-but-interesting experienced that I got. So I thought what better than ice cream to flush the sorrow away,,,

So I went to this Stix Dessert place in Surry hills with Bebski. I have seen a couple of food bloggers posting photos of the gelato sticks which is new to me as usual gelato is serve in cups or cones. Their concept is similar to the pop-up Magnum store in Pitt st mall. 

How to Order:
1. Choose your Gelato flavour sticks
2. Choose your Dip (Milk, White and dark Chocolate, also coffee?)
3. Topped with topping of your choice from Oreo, Crushed Nuts, Milo, Colourful Sprinkles and others

The shop itself is pretty plain in decoration being new. But I do have a feeling that they're gonna be the talk of the town soon enough with a variety of Gelato flavours offered. It also change daily! So you'll always be surprised of what's in store.

The shop being small, only provides seating area for a max of 10 people maybe. But that doesn't stop people from coming and going getting this treats!

I got the Grapefruit sorbet with Milk chocolate dip and colourful sprinkle and milo. Yup, It's not a good combo for a sorbet :( I wish they have more dips and toppings to suit fruity sorbet soon ^^

While Bebski got the panna cotta with white chocolate dip and chocolate sprinkles which is a perfect combos! The gelato is smooth and not too sweet, allowing the chocolate drizzle to topped the sweetness :)

There were only 2 people working at that time and I honestly pity them as the place gets really busy when I left and I saw her having a hard time coping with orders ;p
I will definitely be back to try their other gelato flavours and I hope they add more toppings!^^

Stix Desserts on Urbanspoon

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sedap Malaysian Restaurant, Eastgarden (Pagewood)

Last Friday night Bebski & I went to eat out in Eastgarden. It was an unplanned dinner, as usual, we were too lazy to eat at home on a Friday. So we thought of trying out Sedap as we have been wanting to try their foods since weeks ago.

It was a pretty quite when we arrived at 6PM. Unfortunately they still did't accept Eftpos and so don't forget to bring your cash peeps! 
You order at the counter and pay, then take your seat and the food will be delivered to you..

I was tempted by the 'Crispy Chicken Skin' on the menu but they said they don't have it that night... SAd T.T
After waiting for 5mins, Our Char kuey teow arrived.
It tasted different from the other Malaysian Restaurant. This doesn't really have that smoky aroma. To me, it tasted like Indonesian Fried Kuey Teow more than Authentic malaysian ;p That is one of the reason why Bebski loved it so much cause he used to the taste back home.
Penang char kuey teow $12
It wasn't bad at all. It was pleasant and the portion was generous as well with a number of fishcakes, chinese sausage and also fresh crunchy prawns :P In addition, they also served it with the shrimp paste chilli sauce that took the dish to another whole level!
Not long after that, the fish ball sticks arrived. I ordered 2 of them. It has been deep fried to perfection, the fish balls were really good and chewy. They served the fish balls on a bed of shredded lettuce. A sweet chilli sauce would be a good sides for the dish though ^^

Fish Ball Sticks $1.50ea
Not bothering for the second main dish, we chow down the kuey teow and fish balls in 20mins as we are going to watch movie at 7PM. After most of the foods on the plate are gone, we just realized that the noodle dish that we ordered hasn't come out. We asked the waitress for it and apparently they forgot about that order and apologized. 
I don't mean to be rude.. It's just that, we were so in a hurry and also that the place got only 2 other customers :( And after reading tips in Foursquare, I am not the first one to complaint ;p
After another 12mins waiting, The Kon Loo mee came out. It was a thin egg noodle covered in soy sauce and topped with char siew and also served with fried dumplings (The pic on the menu showed boiled dumplings though).

Sedap Kon Lo Mee $14
The fried dumplings were dry and hard. The char siew has a nice marinated sauce covering it but some of them are burnt and so bitter. But the char siew works well with the noodle. The noodle is chewy and I think the sauce needs to have more flavour. So it was an okay dish for me.

Overall, The foods are okay not great. Front service is good but the management in the Kitchen can be improved to prevent further complaints.

Sedap on Urbanspoon

Friday, June 20, 2014

Brewtown Newtown, Newtown

A buzzing brunch spot in town! It has been sitting in '10 mostly recently reviewed and blogged about' in Urbanspoon. Last Sunday I decided to check this place out to see what the hype is all about. To be honest, Newtown is not in my go-to suburb as it is always hard to find parking space. But I'll just have to manage ;p I arrived in Newtown area at around 11AM and it was already hard to find a parking space. And on top of that, it started to drizzle light T.T So bebski told me to write our name down the waiting list with Mr.P while he'll look for a spot.

It was 11AM and we were told that the waiting time is 35mins! I couldn't even bother thinking of going to another place as I skimmed briefly in Jagernaut's post that he went in December and the waiting time was already 20mins ;p

I also learned that Brewtown Newtown was once before a bookstore called Berkelouw Books and it still can be seen on the sign. Next to the main entrance is a small door with steps leading you to the second floor of the place. The first thing that you see once you reached the top is this clothing store.

To the right is where they sell the amazing Cronut Affogato! Unfortunately it was close that day .. Too bad T.T Advise from my Sister is that Gnome which is the sister shop of Brewtown Newtown have the cronut affogato in a proper serving, while in Newtown they serve it in a cup to go :)

Disappointed that I couldn't taste the affogato felt that our waiting time has been prolonged T.T After exactly 35mins, we were finally seated. Without any further ado, we ordered our drinks.
I got the usual mocha with Mr.P, Bebski got his Flat white (No pics)

The mocha is milky and creamy with the right chocolate and bitter note to it. It's a lovely cuppa mocha. One thing that I realized is that, this is the first mocha that I don't have to add sugar to it. Usually I'll add at least 1-2 tsp of sugar ;p

Mocha $3.50

Both Bebski & Mr.P got the elvis burger with Cronut replacing the buns and filled with juicy beef patty, creamy mayo, canadian bacon and Gruyere, served with chips and tomato relish. The cronut is light and fluffy, which complemented the meats really well. Bebski can't get enough of the mayo, he loved it! I can't get enough of the tomato relish, the herbs that they put in there is amazing, nuff said!! ^^ 
Elvis Burger $16.50
I was torn between the squid ink pasta or the crispy blue eye cod. Chorizo has always been my weakness point and so I surrender to THE Calling of chorizo pieces in spinach at the bottom of the Crispy fish. The fish was fried to golden perfection with the flesh still being moist and succulent! For me the spinach needs a bit more salt to bring out those flavours but no biggie, I can always add it in. Overall, I love this dish!!

Crispy Blue Eye Cod $17
Because we had waited for quite a long time, getting one dish each wasn't satisfying enough for me. So I ordered this Mini Brioche with ham and poached egg with Hollandaise sauce. I was imagining a slider size brioche bun, but it turns out to be a pretty good size brioche! I want to treat it as a side dish/snack but apparently it was as big as the usual portion! I also added the black sausage as the sides.

Must I say the black sausage was amazing, punch of flavours in that black little thingy! The brioche bun was soft, the egg, not much said... Egg POrnnn!!! The ham is well grilled and everything just goes well together.. Another great dish :)
Mini Egg Benedit Bioche Roll $8.50 
You are not a Brewtown-Er until you try their Cronuts! First we thought we could have a cronut each or at least 2 cronuts among us 3, but we were wrong. Too full to have 2, so we decided to try this Chocolate combo cronut with crunchy bits on top. Glossy looking cronut, which is fluffly and yet stillhas a good bite to it. Filled with just the right amount of custard and topped with melted chocolate, yummm~~~

Overall, I was impressed by this place! The service is great, the waiter didn't even need pen and paper to take our order, she memorized every bits and pieces! The waiting time is nothing when u've tried their foods, seriously, it's like forgetting what labor pains feels like when you see the baby ;p

I Highly Highly Recommend this place! Can't wait to go back soon... Maybe during weekdays ;p
Ps: They serve Sparkling water instead of tab. Might a positive point for some of you hehehe^^

Brewtown Newtown on Urbanspoon

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thai Red Curry with Chicken & Prawns

A good way to finish off any leftover veggies in the fridge is this recipe! I have tons of various veggies sitting in my fridge for a couple of days now, and I also have some leftover red curry paste from my previous thai cooking, so I decided to make this easy simple red curry.

On the Jar of the red Curry Paste, there is an easy recipe that you can follow but I made some modification from the original package.

Serve: 4-6
All you need is:
  • 500g Chicken breast (Diced thinly)
  • 150g Prawns (Optional)
  • 400g Coconut Cream/Milk
  • 4 Tbsp Red Curry Paste
  • 2 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 4 pieces Mushroom
  • 1/2 Piece Red Capsicum
  • 1/4 Cauliflower Floret
  • 1/4 Brocolli Floret
  • 8 pieces of Snow Peas
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 1 medium-sized french shallot
  • 3 Tbsp Fish sauce
  • 2 Tbsp Brown Sugar
  • 8 pieves of Kaffir Lime Leaves
  • Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Dust the chicken and prawn with flour and a bit of oil
2. On a pan, fry the shallot and garlic until fragrance, put in chicken first until halfway done then the prawns. After everything is cook, mix in all the veggies and stir fry with soy sauce for aboout 5-8mins to help the veggies to soften
3. Take off the pan, set aside.
4. In another pan/wok, Heat up 4 Tbsp oil and fry the red curry paste til fragrance about 1min. The put in the kaffir lime leaves.
5. Next is to mix all the meat + Veggies into the wok with curry paste
6. Pour in the coconut milk/cream, fish sauce and sugar
7. Simmer for about 8-10mins until all the veggies are cooked.
8. Taste, seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper
After approx 25mins in the kitchen, Voila....! There you go, your easy dinner or maybe left some for lunch tommorow :)
Served with steam rice while still hot.
Enjoy trying!^^

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jasmine Thai - Menulog Review, Maroubra

Is Menulog familiar to all of you? It is to me :) Everytime I am searching for menu from a restaurant, this site always pops on in my google search. I came to know that Menulog is an Australian Online site that offers Home Delivery and Takeaway food from 3500+ Restaurants all over Sydney!

About a week ago, I received an email voucher to try out Menulog for their Home Delivery service, it is such a great opportunity for me to have meals delivered to my house. I must say, this is the first time since I arrived in Sydney that I got my meals delivered, believe it or not, cause I usually cook my meal or I went out to the restaurant to eat.

So I was browsing several varieties of restaurant that can deliver to my suburb. The hardest part of the service is to choose which cuisine to get! After careful searching and thinking, I picked this Restaurant called Jasmine Thai. It has great review and the price of the foods are quite cheap^^

So I ordered two entrees and two mains to be delivered 6:15PM! I was talking to Bebski yesterday as to whether they'll really arrived on time, and to my amazement, My phone bell ring at 6:13PM and the delivery guy was at my front door at 6:15PM sharp! Oh, how I love punctuality...!

So here comes the foodsss :)
For entrees, I got the Mixed Entree which consist of a spring roll, thai fish cake, satay chicken and curry puff each. I also ordered extra 4 pieces of vegetarian spring rolls just cause I lovee spring rolls! Love their fish cake and spring rolls! They used breast meat for the satay chicken which is a healthier choice than thigh and the meat is still tender and juicy.
Mix Entree $6.60 + 4 spring rolls $4.40
One of the main is BBQ pork neck with Thai style sauce. I didn't expect the portion to be that much. And also a generous serving of boiled vegetables too! It's like eating Thai style steak ;p
The pork is well marinated and has that BBQed aroma to it. The veggies still have their crunch too.
BBQ Pork Neck $10.90
For the second main, I got the choo chee curry (HOT as per my request), which is a mild curry with chicken and more vegetables ^^ The curry is full of flavour and the coconut milk is not too overpowering the dish. It's a good curry to be eaten with hot steam rice and not to forget to dip those free prawn crackers in it!
Chicken Choo chee curry $10.90
 I thought that these meals can feed Bebski & I just fine but apparently its too much that I ended up sharing it with my brother. We were so full and pleased with the food.

Did I not mentioned before? It's so easy to place the order! Everything is done online and at the end of your order, you will be given a username and a password to log in to the website and track your order status :)
This morning, I received another 10% discount voucher for my next order which will be handy I'm sure for my next order soon! Shud've try ordering online for foods long time ago!

Thanks For the Experience Menulog!
To everyone .... don't cook tonight, have a takeaway from a number of worthy restaurant Menulog.

Jasmine Thai Cusine on Urbanspoon