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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Canton Noodle House, Burwood

I don't usually travel to faraway suburbs on a Monday for dinner but last monday was an exception.. My dearest samsung camera phone decided to retire and so I need to temporarily find a replacement from Mr.US.. So I went to Burwood with some other friends to try out this Canton Noodle House Restaurant that I heard is pretty popular and always packed with diners!

Even though the name is Noodle House, I barely saw anyone ordering any noodle dishes from here so we decided to order dishes that we know our taste buds will like ;p 

First, Green Beans with mince pork and X,O sauce can never be missed, cause I love Green Beans!
And the taste was exactly as my expectation! Full of flavour and they are quite generous with the mince pork even though it's not as obvious in the pic. The green beans was also crunchy and not too salty, which is good :)

Next, our usual go to dish is the Salt & Pepper Calamari. What I loveee from the dish is the freshness of the seafood and how it was cooked so perfectly that it still tender and yet got that chewiness to it. I would give this calamari 9/10!!

This dish comes under Chef's recommended dish - Chicken chop and Chinese sausage hotpot. It's hard to describe what it taste like, The onions makes it fragrance and the sauce was so delicious, again pretty generous with the chopped chicken but not so much on the chinese sausage ;p

Now, this is the dish of the night for me! Pork Chop with Peking style sauce. The pork chop was battered and deep fried to crunchiness and covered with this slightly sweet peking sauce. So scrumptious, Highly recommended! I would definitely drive all the way to Burwood for this ;p

Lastly, we ordered the Shantong chicken which is quite different from other shandong chicken I've had. I noticed that every Chinese restaurant has their own interpretation of Shandong chicken. In KCR, they serve it with the sour sauce full with garlic and spring onions, in some other places they serve it with a light brown sauce and crisp basil leaves on top, and this one here they deep fried the chicken and have the sauce on the side. The sauce has a strong black fermented bean taste that is not to our liking, so we ended up just eating the chicken. Unfortunately, some of the chicken was dry and some are still quite red?! So we don't dare to eat it ;p

Overall, it was a good dining experience, some dishes were great and some just not suited for our taste buds, but I will definitely try other dishes in this place. I don't remember the prices for the foods but I can say that they are reasonable and affordable :) And yes, the place was packed with diners even on a Monday night!!

  Canton Noodle House on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Abb Air, World Square (Sydney)

I heard from my sister that Abb Air serves great Thai Food so on a Saturday arvo, I decided to try this place out with Bebski. We got there pretty late for lunch, at around 2PM but there were still customers dine in there. The place was bright and neat, the waitress was friendly as well.

This starter called "LOVE" caught my attention. It was not cheap I tell ya, $4 per LOVE! But after a mouthful of the love, it was all worth it, the crab meat and enoki was wrapped by the seaweed and topped with creamy mayo and tobiko. The green sauce tasted like garlic sauce to me which gives a nice punch to the bite. I do highly recommend this starter if you loveee crab and enoki like me :)

LOVE $4/pc
Bebski as usual looked for something with Crispy Pork Belly in it and he got the Prik Khing Moo Krob with rice. I must say that the cripsy pork belly is too die for! Its soooo crispy but still got that nice bite to it. The sauce was not as wet as the other prik khing but I personally like this one better :)

Prik Khing Moo Krob $13.90
Almost every diner had a bowl on their table which made me curious about their soup. I asked the waitress and she recommended me the Boat Noodle Soup (black herbed soup) with a choice of pork or beef meat. I chose the beef one cause we got one pork dish already. The noodle soup also comes with beef balls, diced beef, veggies and crispy pork fat which brings up the dish to another level! The soup was a bit spicy and also has a sour tanginess to it.

The Boat Noodle Soup $10.90
We also ordered Yakult Pipo, which was this icy drinks with yoghurt flavour and some jellies in it. It was so refreshing :)
Yakult Pipo $5
I will definitely be back to this place to try out other foods! All of the dishes in the menu looks promising and some you can't find in other Thai restaurant, so definitely worth a visit!

Abb Air: Thai Cuisine 1982 on Urbanspoon