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Friday, February 20, 2015

Tea Plus, Burwood

Tea plus, a taiwanese joint in Burwood. Got recommended by my bro's gf to try their Plant Milk Tea and apparently Mr.wjt live near the area so we went for dinner just before I go back to Indo,, Reached the place around 7pm, it was crowded but as usual, luckily, we got the last table available there.

Their snack and mains are pretty cheap and the drinks look very tempting, most of them! I really can't wait to try out their foods even though I was quite full that time,

So as recommended, I got the Plant Milk Tea, got the Taro one cause I loveeeeee Taro maybe more than Green tea now :) It came in a big jar but unfortunately it was too sweet for me that I can't finished the whole jar. The taro flavour was just right and the "soil" on top does enhance he drinkoing sensation :)
Taro Plant Milk Tea $5.80
The moment I read 'Tamago' on the menu, straight away I know I have to order that! I loveee tamagooooo :) But a bit of compromised need to be made in choosing the toppings considering mr.wjt is quite picky with his foods ;p I was looking at the Chicken and Mushroom Tamago cause for me anything with mushrooms will taste great! Unfortunately he doesnt like mushrooms but in the end, he gave in haha!

The Tamago wasn't as fluffy I thought it would be, but it tasted yummmmyy! It was topped with generous amount of mushrooms and chicken, drizzled with the sweet bbq sauce.

Chicken and Mushroomm Tamago $6.50
Mr. Wjt got the Pork Sauce Noodle , dry noodle in a bowl with a variety of toppings. Tasted a bit of the food but I still love the dish that I ordered hehe! Can't believe the price of the foods here cause the portion was so generous!!

Pork Sauce Noodle $9.80
I got the Beef Noodle Soup. The soup was rich with flavour, the beef so juicy and tender and I loveee the chewy noodle :) I love the pickled vegetable toppings in the bowl, providing extra texture to the bowl. I highly recommend it !!

Beef Noodle Soup $10.80
Overall, I was quite satisfied with the food and service here. Cheap price, generous portion and yummy foods that made this place never gets quite.. Missed the plant milk teaaaa :)

tea+ on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cafe Cre Asion, Sydney

Cafe Cre Asion, located so hidden in the alley of Alberta st just next to Travelodge. This place is so small that didn't know its existence if its not thanks to other food bloggers that has found this gem. I came with bebski in the morning and the place was swarming with people coming and going for their coffee.

They serves all sort of goodies from Macarons, Muffins, Cookies, Light meals and the drinks.

Rumour has it their Macarons are better than Laduree / Zumbo's. Haven't try them yet but someday I will ;p

Another thing that they're famous for is their Green tea! Bebski got the Green Tea Latte which in my opinion has the purest green tea flavour! It's not too sweet, its still got a bit of the tea bitterness to it and the servings literally can feed 2 people. The mug was huge, its almost like a bowl of green tea. Bebski didn't really like it cause he was spoilt by the sweet green tea latte from Starbucks and Korean cafes haha

I got their Chai Latte which again not sweet at all, they provide the sugar separately which is a good thing so we can adjust the sweetness level. The Chai spice wasn't the best but it's not that bad :)

I was hungry that morning and the Asian style sandwich description in the menu board caught my eyes! Poached Chicken with with pickled asian mushrooms, zucchini, white sesame and wasabi mayo. The mushroom is my weakness! The fillings were generous and everything goes well with each other.  With chilli sauce, it would be a perfect sandwich hehe :)

Poached chicken sandwich $12

Bebski got the Matcha muffin which was moist and had a strong green tea note in it. Again, huge muffins in my opinion and its really worth the price :)

Would definitely be back to try their Macarons and cold drinks! I've read alot about their iced coffee with milk and ice green teaa... Can't wait to go back :) Service was quick and attentive too.

Café Cre Asion on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pempek Clovelly, Kensington

As the name denotes Pempek Clovelly, an Indonesian restaurant located in Kensington, hidden from the other restaurants in Kingsford but definitely no less authentic than the rest. Pempek in indonesian means fish cake and usually eaten with the black thin spicy sour sauce. I know how I describe it is not appetizing but the flavour surely deliver!

First dish is the Pempek itself. I got the mixed one which comprise of the long pempek (Lenjer), Fish skin (kulit), The round one (pempek bola), the one with egg inside (kapal selam) and the one mixed with tofu. The pempek is deep fried and then covered with the thin sauce topped with diced cucumber. They also has an option with additional noodle but because we ordered other dishes, we eliminate the noodle.

the texture of the pempek is crispy on the outside and has its chewiness on each bite. I highly recommend everyone to try this dish out! Get the mixed one so u can taste everything.. :)
Mixed Pempek $18

My favourite dish in here is the combo of rice, mixed vegetables with peanut sauce (Gado-Gado) and fried chicken. If u want to taste what Gado2 in indo taste like, do order this dish! The chicken was great too. Can't be compared with Ayam goreng 99, but it has it's uniqueness in that the flavour penetrate even until the meat! Writing this post makes me drool even know im in Indo myself ;P
Mixed veggie with peanut sauce and fried chicken $10.50
Mr.Wjt ordered the Bakmie ayam.. The noodle was cooked perfect, still got its chewiness, the seasoning was good as well. I think they use pork lard ;P  Generous amount of toppings as well. hehe!

Bakmie Ayam (Chicken Noodle) $8.50
A friend also recommend their Egg savoury Martabak to try here. It was yummy but unfortunately they put a lot of spring onion which is my number one enemy in foods ahaha! So be prepared to have your mouth all oniony ;p
Savoury egg martabak (Martabak Telor) 
It was a great Indonesian place to try out! Unfortunately they are not well located, but definitely worth finding and trying!

By now I think I've covered almost all Indonesian restaurant in kingsford - Kensington area ;P

Pempek Clovelly on Urbanspoon

22 Grams, Randwick

A small vibrant cafe in Randwick is 22 grams. Heard from a couple of my friends that they serve a great coffee and their chipotle scrambled egg is worth the visit here. So I went for a double date brunch with Mr.N and Ms.P on a wet Sunday arvo..

On the left side from the entrance is where the barista works his magic and on the right is where you order and take number for your food, and then you wait for the next available table. The place is pretty small so you better come early.

They also have a variety of sweet goodies to choose from and Ms.P said that their pastry are all fresh! I didn't get the chance to try them out this time cause we were too full ;P

Not long after we were seated, our coffee started to arrive. I got Mocha and I thought it was okay, wasn't as great as that.

And bebski got his Flat White without syrup, they don't have any syrup besides caramel :)

Ms.P got the Corn Fritter - with avo smash and tomato salsa with additional bacon. I was torn apart between getting this fritter or the chipotle egg. Luckily Ms.P ordered this and I tried a bit. The corn fritter was pretty plain and more to the sweet side than savoury. So I was pretty happy with my decision hehe..
As my friend recommended, I got the  Spicy Chipotle Scrambled egg served with sourdough and a dollop of sourcream on top of the egg plus I got an additional bacon. cause bacon and eggs are just perfect for breakfast! The scrambled egg was quite spicy, It wasn't as fluffy as the one in Trio but it was good :) Can't complain much from my plate hihi..

I am quite surprised when Bebski ordered this dish, cause just by reading the description I knew it wasn't his cuppa tea. But he ordered it anyway. Poached eggs with smoked salmon, avo smash, pink grapefruit and Lemon Cress. The salmon was surprisingly smoked really well and the poached eggs were cooked perfectly. The portion however wasn't really satisfying for beb ;p

Poached egg with Smoked Salmon $16
Mr.N got the Egg's Benedict with smoked salmon. The salmon wasn't smoked when the board clearly said smoked salmon for the benedict.. Mr.N ended up leaving some foods behind :)

Eggs benedict $16
Overall, it was a good place to catch up with some friends over a cup of coffee and maybe some pastries. Would recommend the scrambled egg but nothing else from what we had there :)

22 Grams on Urbanspoon

Monday, February 9, 2015

Chur Burger, Surry Hills

Better late than never is a perfect quote for my visit to Chur! It has been in my wishlist since early 2014 but I only got the chance to visit the place a couple months back..
Came there with four of my friends and we got in quite early, around 7pm, the place was packed with people and we were so lucky that we got the table not long after we arrived.

The menu is displayed at the front of the restaurant so you can have a look and decide what to order cause their ordering system is to order at the counter and then pick a table :)

Mr.S ordered the Pulled Pork Burger without the veggies, yep, he's a veggie hater. He didn't eat any kind of veggies ;p The pulled pork was ordinary to me, it tasted almost like the Shredded beef that  we got a while ago in Subway ... It was juicy though and the cheese was melted perfectly on top of the meat smothering it with gooey cheesy goodness!

Pulled Pork Burger without the veggie $10
Mr.M claimed that they serve the best Sweet Potato Chips and so we ordered two portions for the four of us. The sweet potatoes were delish! Especially the aioli, it literally is the match made in heaven those twoo <3 Really can't get enough nibbling on them

Sweet Potato Chips $8
Mr.P and Mr.M got the Grilled Beef Burger with cheese, tomato jam, mustard mayo, pickle and he added bacon in it. It looks mouthwatering and sooooo fatty, look at the cheese ;p But Mr.P thought it was okay. like a regular beef burger.. I didn't get to taste it, so can't say much about it ...

Grilled Beef Burger $10
Mr.Wjt got the Crumbed Fish Fillet Burger with pickled cucumber, lemon mayo and dill. The fish was soft and cooked perfectly, it was like a higher classier burger than fillet-o-fish kekeke.. The bun could have been softer i guess, but the lemon mayo sauce definitely provide that tangy note to the burger :)

Crumbed Fish Fillet Burger $10
My first pick was the fish, cause I got recommendation from my sister on it, but because Wjt is ordering the fish, so I tried the Grilled Lamb Burger with mint sauce, feta and aioli. I thought that the burger was good but not great, the lamb was a bit dry but eating it with the Green harbanero sauce was another story. it does lift up the flavours! That's why I loveeee chilli so muchhh ^^

Grilled Lamb Burger $10
Not sure what's they hype about Chur Burger, I tried it once but I may think twice to come back here considering there are a lot of Burger joints opening up recently ;p Tough competitions for Burger joint owners out there in Sydney hehe..
And so let my Burger Adventure continues soon ;p

Chur Burger on Urbanspoon