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Monday, June 16, 2014

Ribs & Burger, Eastgarden

Bebski was craving lamb ribs at 8PM last Friday. So we decided to visit Ribs & Burger near our house in Eastgarden. When we arrived, the place was full of people which is surprising cause to me 8PM is a very late time for dinner. I agreed to Bebski's proposal for it just because it's the weekend and I'd stay up till late anyway so I'll have enough time to digest all the meats that we're gonna have!

The Interior of the place is neat and clean with brick walls and wooden chairs and tables concept.

There is a big menu board besides the counter and so you can have a good idea what they serve in store.
When you're ready to order, approach the counter and pay on the spot. Then they'll give you this tin bucket filled with tissues, cutlery and sauces.

And Oh yea, before I forget, 10% discount for Students! :)

So here comes the food.
First, we have the Lamb Ribs where the portion is humongous! The meat is juicy and melt in the mouth but also quite fatty which is not my favourite. But bebski loved it! It is served on a bed of chips which some are crispy and some are not anymore because of the sauce ;p

Lamb Ribs with chips $24
 As hungry as I am not, I ordered the 'Best of Both' where you can choose meat ribs of your choice with 2 mini burgers (Chicken and Lamb). The pork ribs are well marinated with the sauce but I think some of the racks are quite dry while some are juicy because of the fat in it.

The burgers are alright. The buns are soft and fluffy, the grilled chicken patty is dry but they do have a good herby flavour, Im guessing oregano here :) The beef patty, again dry and lacks flavour ;(

Best of Both $25
As usual, I can't resist chilli chicken wings! There are 4 big wings in a portion. It has a good chilli sauce flavour without the heat! I'd like it to be more charred though.
Chilli Chicken wings $10
 In the end, we couldn't finish everything as it was too much! We took it home and ate it for lunch the next day. I put the chicken in the oven to reheat it and give more colour, and it tasted better than the day before ;p

well, will I be back? hmmph . Maybe. But it was a good experience and one more restaurant to tick off my never-ending wishlist ^^


Ribs & Burgers on Urbanspoon

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