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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Paul's Famous Burger, Sylvania

Continuing the journey in Sylvania last week, we arrived 10mins early to Seven Lantern and we saw this burger joint next to it was packed with people queueing! I was curious how good is the burger and it's weird that I heard about it before. As we dine in Seven Lantern, I asked my friend if the burger next door any good and he said yes.

Bebski then told me to get the Burger while we're in Sylvania. Cause it is far from our house and we wouldn't be back anytime soon just for a burger. So I decided to get one and try. Good thing that Bebski realized that they close at 7PM. It was unbelievable that there's a food business that closes during peak dinner hours.

I went there, with no cash with me but luckily they provide their own ATM machine inside. Haha!

A giant sign of their menu was displayed behind the ATM and a lady approached me asking what would I like to order. I asked her what's the popular dish in here and she recommended 'The Works', so I got one of those and also the Chilli Chicken Burger

While waiting for my order to be ready, I saw a lot of article posted on almost every wall in the place, showing so many awards this place has got, they have been in the business for 50 years now and they have won their first award in 1998 from The Daily Telegraph and their recent one in 2013 for Sydney Cheap Eats Awards.

The only unfortunate thing is that we can't taste em while they're still hot cause we were in the middle of our Degustation in Seven Lantern, so I put those babies in the car and ate it at home 2 hours later T.T

The works is definitely their best burger! The combinations of Bacon, egg, beef can never go wrong! It just match perfectly. Even after 2 hours and our belly were full, the burger still taste so gooodd and the bun was soft. The pic definitely did not represent how good the burger was but trust me, it's worth a try!

The works $9.70
The chilli chicken was nothing special. The chicken breast was quite dry and tough when we got home. It was really disappointing that we can't taste the fresh warm burger T.T

Chilli Chicken Burger $7.20
 I would probably be back again to eat their burgers properly with some hot chips and peanut butter crunch!

 ^^ Paul's Famous Hamburgers on Urbanspoon


  1. Pretty impressive you ate these after a dego! The pineapple crush is pretty tasty too.

    1. Hehehe.. When I say ate, I mean had a bite or two :) But it's so tasty that i wanna finish it all ;p Oh man, wil def try both drinks next time ^^


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