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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Excelsior Jones, Ashfield

I have been wanting to visit Excelsior Jones for awhile now.. Never knew that there is a cafe in the middle of a residential area in Ashfield, a suburb that is known for its Heaps-of-Chinese-Restaurants ;p The good thing about the location is that it is very easy to find parking! And apparently a friend from Melbourne, Mr.P, was visiting and will be staying in Lidcombe area. So it's a perfect reason to drag Bebski to try the place out :)

The cafe is located on the corner of the street so you won't miss it when u walked/drive passed it. The place itself is not very spacious and going early is recommended! We arrived for breakfast at 10Am and the place was packed with people dining and people queuing not long after we were seated...

 Mr.P ordered the Mocha..

Bebski as usual the Flat white..

And I got the Chai Masala, which I thought was somehow peppery than herby ;p The waitress told me they didn't use spices but rather milk and chai tea. I regretted my decision of no ordering the Banana Malt Milkshake ;(

I must say.. the foods takes awhile to come and we waited for atleast 20mins for everything to come out.. But it's totally worth it! I ordered the Pulled Pork Hash, a bowl of Fried Buckwheat, Herbs, Eschallot and topped with a gooey Poached egg. This dish was just flawless. I can eat this thing 3x a day! The pulled pork was flavoursome, I just can't get enough of it even though they served the pork in generous amount hehe. 

Pork Hash $16
 Mr.P ordered the Egg's Benedict, which I thought was alright, it has a strong cheesy note and also complemented well by the celery salt in it. Mr.P said it's not the best Egg's Benedict he had eaten but I reckon it's alright for a brekkie :)

Egg's Benedict $15
There is an option of Pork/Salmon of the Hash. Wanting to try everything, I told Bebski to order the Salmon Hash so I can taste both ;p I am not a fan of salmon but this one is an exception! The salmon was seasoned well, cooked to perfection and just melts in the mouth! Bebski loved it as well, and his thought of sharing both pork and salmon hash had vanished that he didn't leave me any salmon after my first bite T.T

Salmon Hash $16
To close the meal, dessert is a must and Mr.P said that he hasn't had Cronuts before. OMg, he lives in Melbourne, the Food Capital of Australia and yet he hasn't try cronuts ;p We got the Chocolate Honeycomb cronut which is not too sweet and has nice crumbles on top. Unfortunately it's not as great as the one from brewtown ;p But Mr.P ended up getting some more to take home..

Overall, I'm happy that I can crossed Excelsior Jones from my wishlist, I've tasted the famous Hash, the service was good, the place is comfy and bright from the many windows but unfortunately it's not the best place to take picture ;p

Will I be back? Hmmph.. Maybe.. ^^

Excelsior Jones on Urbanspoon


  1. Wow, your photos are so awesome! I have been meaning to go here for ages, your post just reminded me why :D

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. THanksssss :) I'm glad this post can help hehe :)

  2. The hash looks flawless indeed! mmm wouldn't mind the salmon one either!

  3. only went to excelsior jones once for the pork hash. was sooo good! definitely keen to go back to try the salmon hash and that cronut

  4. Love spilling that sexy egg yolk all over the hash! Oh so tasty.


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