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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mister Gee Burger Truck, Burwood

Burger Truck in front of a car wash in Burwood? Heard about that long time ago even before I head back to Jakarta couple months ago but didn't get the chance to check the place out.. And my 3 weeks mission in Sydney this time is to try everything I missed in those 2 months being in Jakarta ;p

So I head to Burwood and along with my foodie troops; Mr.Us, Mr.P and Mr.Wjt, we hunt this place down.. Arrived there exactly 6PM when the truck is open and the line was already so long but the we don't have to queue for so long cause they only have one type of burger, with the chips and the drinks of the day which I think is smart because they can just focus in one yummy foods rather than serving 3 different average foods. And everyone won't take that much time deciding what they wanted to have..

As there were only 3 things up on the menus, we decided to try everything out :)

Cheese Boogie $10
The Famous Mister gee Burger does live up to its hype! The patty was sooo juicy and thick.. The bun is soft and not greasy.. And I love a simple pickle in the middle of my burger and along with pickled shallot at the bottom of the bun. Well, I took some out but don't really mind small bits which I usually mind ;p Ooh, and not to forget the cheeeeseee, some people call it the Orange Cheese, but for me working in Subway, looks like Old English cheese to me hehe..

I personally highly recommend everyone to check this burger place out!!
If I don't consider my weight, I would've finished everything and maybe order seconds ;(

The other two things on the menu are the Dirty Fries - Shoe string fries topped with salsa,  grated cheese and smothered with creamy sauce! Forget the fork and just dig in with your hands :)

The Baklava Shake tasted like Vanilla milkshake in my opinion, It's thick, smooth and for me a bit too sweet. But I guess people with sweet tooth might love it :)

Dirty Fried $5, Baklava Shake $6
Overall experience ... Would definitely be back if they have new burger up on the menu. There are plenty of sitting area around the truck,  but make sure to come in super early to secure a table. I also heard that they recently moved to Haberfield area.. Keep an eye on the new location and Visit :)

Mister Gee Burger Truck on Urbanspoon

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