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Friday, July 10, 2015

Kafeine, Balmain (Second Visit)

I can finally happily say, I am back in Sydney!! :) For a good 2 years now that I am back as a student T.T Well, first thing first... On my second day back in this lovely city, I took Ms.S who happened to be in Sydney for a while to Kafeine in Balmain. One of my favourite brunch spot in town. Along with my hubby, we went on a Thursday lunch.

As usual, the place was packed with patrons but we didn't wait for too long before we were seated. Ms.P and Hubby go for their latte and me, as usual loves their Chai Latte.
I flipped through their menu and couldn't find the famous "Tasting Plate" which I saw up on IG! I asked one of the waiter and he said it is one of their special which is only available during weekends. Buttt..... he kindly asked the chef and the chef was willing to make me one ;P

Tasting plate - Egg bene, Corn Fritter, Sticky rice porridge -
I can't remember how much the tasting plate cost but whats in it is definitely worth how ever much they charged ;P The plate itself consist of their best selling dishes serve in mini sizes. But it's not that mini I must say. It was really really filling!

I've tried the corn fritter before and it's still very very yummy! What's new for me is the egg benedict, the best I tasted ever! They used HasH Brown at the bottom instead of boring muffin/sourdough. The eggs were perfectly poached and the hollandaise were scrumptious!! Salmon is sooo generous in portion. The sticky rice porridge is spiced and accompanied with prunes and dates, drizzled with vanillic milk, to die for!!!! :) Keep an eye on this one during weekend peeps.

Ms.S tried their new dish on the menu - Pulled Pork Burger . The meat was tender, juicy and smothered in smokey bbq sauce. It is served mexican style with guacamole salsa and kidney beans :)

Pulled pork Burger $15.90

Hubby tried their Eggs Benedict. Usually I don't allow him to order eggs bene as it tasted somewhat similar from place to place. But here is an exception! I did recommend him to try it out cause I know he's gonna love it! Smoked salmon, Bacon, Hash brown, Poached egg and creamy hollandaise. How can he say no ;P

Eggs benedict $17.90
Each dish for us actually is really filling, but for Ms.S and me, being a foodie, needed something more to share in the middle. So we decided to try their Mushroom Indulgent in golden brown crumbed, served with fennel, rocket, poached eggs on Sourdough and creamy blue cheese sauce as the side. What can I say, mushroom is my weakness. I just loveeee mushrooms and deep fried is the best way to enjoy them especially with that awesome sauceee! Another highly recommended dish from Kafeine.

Mushroom Indulgent $17.90
Aside from the coffee, we also got to try their new drinks. Organic White Tea Kombucha by Black Radish company and it tasted like sparkling tea which has floral, fruity and sweet note at the same time. It also contains live probiotic cultures!

We walked out with smiles and full tummy. Kafeine impressed me with their foods once again. I will definitely be back and this time on the weekend to try out their specials!

My first post on Kafeine can be found here :)

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