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Friday, July 10, 2015

Paramount Coffee Project (PCP), Surry Hills

I'm so glad I have my sister here with me. We love the same thing. That is to eat! The difference between us is she stays skinny and I did not ;P

So she suggested to finally visit Paramount Coffee Project today before she head off to work. PCP has been in my wishlist for I don't know how long now. From when they still have soft shell crab burger til they took it off the menu tee hee.

Arrived at 11:08PM and parking was quite hard with parking rate $7/hr on a weekdays!! My sis told me that the place is still crowded even until now. Thankfully, that wasn't the case today :) I love the interior of PCP. It is bright and the hippie setting are just lovely!

I got Mocha today instead of my Chai. The mocha has more chocolate note and may not be the best I had.

She got her Seven Seeds Cappucino ..

Without further ado, we know what to order. As usual, we flipped through IG to see what's the popular dishes people tried lately. So here come the first dish that is Fried Chicken Waffle with Japanese Curry. The chicken was tasty and it was again hugeeeee portion. I'm not sure is it me or the food but lately brunch portion is getting bigger in size? ;P The dish did not get me. I'm not too sure whether it's the curry or the combo but I like it more to have just the waffle and fried chicken just by itself.

Fried Chicken PCP $19
The second dish that we ordered is the Crumbed egg on Toast with mustard braised Hock and Kale. I had some doubt about kale cause what I heard is that it taste bitter. Buttt PCP has changed my perception towards kale. It has this texture like Choy sum and the combination with the crumbed egg and toast are just a perfect harmony.. ^^ The menu sounds simple but the flavour really proved it worth to try here in PCP!!

Crumbed egg on Toast $14.50
DrumRollll pleaseee.. the dish that we have been waiting for as usual. The pretty photogenic dessert! It is called Waffle Love Cake and I must tell ya, there is a lot of love on that plate. The generous servings of the doughy pancake, 2 scoops of to-die-for Rose Ice cream apricot and turkish delight with a hint of ginger. Combining a bit of everything into a spoonful is just heaven. I loveeee the gingery note for winter time like this. My sis on the other hand prefer there wasn't any ginger in there ;p

Anyhow.. both of us love the dish especially the Rose water. It's that good that we were thinking to buy an ice cream maker and try to make our own ;P

Waffle Love Cake

I'm Lovin PCP!

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